JavaScript Arithmetic Operators:

JavaScript Arithmetic Operators:

JavaScript Arithmetic Operators:

%Moduls10%3 = 1
++Incerementvar billo = 10; billo++
now billo =11
Decrementvar billo = 10; billo–
now billo =9

Example1: var b = 20+5;



Example2: var b = 20;

var g = b+5+10+80+42+1080


Note: You can get the result of a string expression using the eval() function, which takes a string expression argument like eval (“50+92*9”) and get output. if the argument will be empty, the output will be undefined.

Var++Post Incrmentvar b=0,g=10;
var b= g++
b=10 and g=11
++VarPre Incrementvar b=0,g=10;
var b= ++g
b=11 and g=11
Var–Post Decrementvar b=0,g=10;
var b= g–
b=10 and g=9
–VarPre Decrementvar b=0,g=10;
var b= –g
b=9 and g=9

JavaScript Assignment Operators:

OperatorExampleis equivalent to

Note: We can use multiple Assignment Operators in one line example: b-=g+=11

JavaScript Comparison Operators:

Var num= 10;


output: False

==equal to 5==10 False
===identical equal to5===10False
!=not equal to5!=10 True
!==not identical10!==10 False
<less than10<5false
<=less than equal to10<=5false
>greater than10>5True
>=greater than equal to10>=5True

JavaScript Logical Operators:

Logical operations, also known as Boolean operators, AND, OR, NOT

Example: Var age=55;

Var isAdult = (age<18)? “Too young”:”Old enough”;


output: Old enough

JavaScript String Operators:

Var St1 = “I’m Learner”;

Var St1 = “JavaScript with Boomitechie”;

Var St3 = “My Billo”;

document.write(My St1+My St2+My St3);

Note: Numbers in quotes are treated as Strings: For example: “200” is not a number 200 is a String

JavaScript Conditionals and Loops:

if Condition:



Statements —————


Note: Statement will only be executed if the specified condition is true

Var myNum1 = 8;

Var myNum2 = 11;


alert(“Boomitechie is good website to learn JavaScript”);


Else Condition:

We can use the else condition to specify a block of code that will execute if the condition is false

Example: if(Expression){



else {



if and else statements working together

Var Num1 = 8;

Var Num1 = 11;


alert(“this is 1st condition”);

} else{

alert(“this is 2nd condition”);


Note: we can go this way also [with the help of operators b>g? alert (b) : alert (g) ]

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Technical content writer with data scientist, artificial intelligence, programming language, database. He has a bachelor’s degree in IT and a certificate in digital marketing, Digital transformation web development android app development He has written for website like Boomi techie, tech mantra, information hub, Tech all

amit verma

Technical content writer with data scientist, artificial intelligence, programming language, database. He has a bachelor’s degree in IT and a certificate in digital marketing, Digital transformation web development android app development He has written for website like Boomi techie, tech mantra, information hub, Tech all