JavaScript Working With DOM

JavaScript Working With DOM

JavaScript Working With DOM

element.childNodes //returns an array of an element child nodes.

element.firstchild //returns the first child node of an element

element.lastchild //returns the last child node of an element

element.haschildNodes //returns true if an element has any child node other wise false

element.previousSibling // return the previous node at the same tree level.

element.ParentNode // return the parent node at an element



<div id = “demo”>

<P>some text </P>

<P>some other text </P>



var a = document.getElementById(“demo”);

var arr = a.childNodes;

for(var x = 0; x<arr,length; x++){

arr[x].innerHTML = “new text”;}




Changing Attributes in JavaScript

we can change text element of an element using the inner HTML Property

<img id = “myimg” src = “orange.png” alt = ” “/>


var el = document.getElementById(“myimg”);

el.src = “apple.png”;


WE CAN CHANGE href attribute of a link

<a href = “HTTP://”> somelink</a>


var el = document.getElemensByTagName(“a”);

el[0].herf = “”;


Changing Style: All style attributes can be accessed using the style object of the element.

<div id = “demo” style = “width:200px> some text </div>


var x = document.getElementById(“demo”); = “6600FF”; = “100 px”;


The code above the text color and width of the div element

Creating Elements

Use the following method to create new nodes:


clones an element and returns the resulting node.

document.CreateElement //create new element node

document.CreateTextNode //create new element node


var node = document.CreateTextNode(“some new Text”);

element.append child(newNode) // add a new child node to the element as the last child node

element.insertBefore(node1,node2) insert node1 as child before node 2


<div id = “demo”> some content </div>


var p = document.createElement(“P”);

var node = document.CreateTextNode(“some new text”);


var div = document.getElementById(“demo”);



Removing Elements: RemoveChild(node)method.

<div id = “demo”>

<P id = “P1”> this is paragraph </P>

<P id = “P2”> this is another paragraph </P>



varParent = document.getElementById(“demo”);

var child = document.getElementById(“P1”);



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Technical content writer with data scientist, artificial intelligence, programming language, database. He has a bachelor’s degree in IT and a certificate in digital marketing, Digital transformation web development android app development He has written for website like Boomi techie, tech mantra, information hub, Tech all

amit verma

Technical content writer with data scientist, artificial intelligence, programming language, database. He has a bachelor’s degree in IT and a certificate in digital marketing, Digital transformation web development android app development He has written for website like Boomi techie, tech mantra, information hub, Tech all